"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My camp at Rangely

  What you can't see are all the little holes in the ground. They were like ant holes, with the little mounds of debris or tailings that ants push out when they burrow. But there weren't any ants going in or out of them. I never did figure out what lived down there. 

  While I'm on the subject of insects, which I am now, does anyone know why yellow-jackets like BMW motorcycles?  Every time I stop, lately, two or three immediately show up. I'm starting to think they've got a hive going somewhere on the bike.  Or maybe I hit a queen while riding, and they smell her remains?  

  Surely there is an insectologist who knows the answer. So give it up, such person. Why do they bug me?

1 comment:

  1. Yellow jackets crave meat. Your bike is so big they think it's a cow.
