"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Feeling A Little Better

I'm feeling a little better, so I think I should start feeding a little info to the blog'o'sphere.

Here are a few photos to help cheer you up.

First, this is a typical restroom at a gas station on the road from Kazarman to Jalalabad.

The observant among you will notice immediately (a) the absence of tissues, etc., for cleansing oneself, and (b) lots of empty bottle type containers.  Others of you will note that Kyrgyz lack the same anatomical aiming device that is absent from the Western world.  

So how does one cleanse one's self?  By carrying water in a container, washing, then leaving the empty container behind.  Simple, really.

But not all is ugly along this road.  Here are some views of Jalalabad showing off the lovely flowers.

Well, you get the idea.  They are planting the roses along the sides of the roads and in the medians as well.

I think the pain killers may be having an effect in addition to the alleviation of pain.  For instance, I can not, for the life of me find all the pictures of flowers I know I took.  I must take another break and find the photos and get better organized.  And maybe take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Presumably you were allowed to use the alternative handicap accessible slit trench due to your broken foot condition.
