"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Monday, July 20, 2015

My New Cast

I went to the surgeon's office this afternoon for a check up. The cast and sutures were removed, and an X-ray was taken. The incision looks good, and the X-ray shows a nicely healing fracture with the plate and screws. The bone is aligned, and there is a good and even space for the joint. All around good news. 

The plan is to go back on July 31st to have the cast removed and to be fitted with a boot. General rejoicing was heard when I received that news. I will be driving and walking then, I hope. 

Leon put a new cast on, and I was out the door on my scooter. 

It feels pretty good!  And it looks awesome, yes?


  1. When is the photo of the ex-F650GS being replaced with a photo of the Vespa? The one you shouldn't be riding. For any number of reasons.
