"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What Have I been Doing?

Trying to get all the parts and supplies together, that's what!  I think I am finally done, except for saw blades. And some Sika-Flex, but I can't find it anywhere locally and may have to go to Tacoma to find it.

In Anchorage, I know where all the suppliers are, and most of them are within a mile or two.  Here, I have no idea who sells the supplies I need, and have to search the interwebs - and then drive 10- 30 miles to find the supplier.  I've driven 500 miles or so just finding the supplies I need for this project.

After spending three hours doing that this morning, I returned to brother John's house for lunch and to check in.  I found him with an ankle injury and in some intense pain.  He was able to hobble around, so I went off to the shop to start cutting some wood.

First, though, I had to clean and tune the table saw.  It had some deferred maintenance issues that had to be addressed before it could be used, and it took a few hours to get that sorted out.  I put a new blade in a Skill saw, and laid out and rough cut some pieces of the wheel wells.  When I started to trim them to final dimensions on the table saw, it was "Whoops! New blade needed here too!"  So I stood down for the day and went back to John's place.

There I found Baby Brother with his foot in a tub of ice water and in lots of pain.  He is restricted from taking anti-inflammatory medications and pain medications due to other medications he his taking, so ice, compression, and elevation are the only treatment options available.  We got those all going, but it looks like a bad sprain or maybe a fracture of a metatarsal.  I will take him to the doctor in the morning, and while he is being evaluated, I will get new saw blades for the table saw and the sliding compound miter saw.  I am determined that I am going to cut wood.  Or rather, at least I hope I am going to cut wood.

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