"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Bike is on its way to Seattle

The bike is on its way.  The Motorcycle Shop has finished servicing and crating it.  DHL picked it up about noon today, January 24th, and took it to their facility.  It is going by air to Seattle, where Schumacher Cargo Logistics will take over.  It goes by truck to their terminal in Long Beach, California.  Once in Long Beach, it waits its turn to get placed in a container, then onto a ship to Bremen in Germany.  The ocean transit is 28 days.  I'm not in too big of a rush because I won't get to Bremen until March 31.  I hope!  I changed my airline reservation yesterday but have not received my confirmation email yet . . .

My initial plan was to air freight the bike to Lisbon, but the costs are prohibitive.  I will post the final costs when I pick it up in Bremen.


  1. I've got to figure out a way to get a notice when you add to the blog!

  2. Ha! Done figured it out. I'm now a follower.
