"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Interesting Video

This video on YouTube is very interesting, and informative.  Those of you familiar with Alaska will immediately see the similarities between the river depicted in the video and many of the non-coastal rivers of Alaska.  The video is worth watching because of a few lessons that can be learned.  It also points out the danger of traveling in this part of the world -- but everyone and the motorcycle make it out okay.

Crossing a river in Mongolia


  1. I have no idea what they teach you at Rawhyde Adventures, but me, I'm going to walk that crossing first, especially with that kind of silt load hiding the bottom. You're going to get wet either way. Then I'm going to unload my bike. Then I might try and cross it, but not there, never at the end of a run-out.

  2. I agree. The video is a how NOT to do it. I am particularly amused by manhandling the bike to the vertical on the rear wheel to get the water out of the exhaust system. It is easier on my bike to take the exhaust pipe off, and more certain of completely draining the pipe.
