"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Augustus Hotel, Biella

I rode from Firenze to Biella in not too much of a hurry.  That was good, because there was construction along the way.  I arrived about 5:30, and started looking for a hotel.  I finally settled on the Augustus hotel, and asked Mr. Garmin to find it for me.  Off we went, and I was completely unaware that the Imp of the Perverse had seized control of Mr. Garmin again.  Suddenly, I was riding on cobblestone, and looking up, I spied a sign that, even though I can't read a word of Italian, I knew meant no motorized vehicles unless you are a cop, a fireman, disabled, or delivering goods.  Whoops!

Sure enough, I was riding up via Italy, the pedestrian only shopping street.  The looks on the faces of the shoppers clearly said I was not welcome.  I couldn't find a place to get off the street, although I did find a little plaza with some cars parked in it, where I stopped and parked illegally (it's a habit).  I started looking for the hotel on foot, but could not find it anywhere.  I looked at the address, and couldn't find the street, even.  Then I finally looked up, and there was the street name on a narrow alleyway.  I went up the alley to the next block, and still couldn't see it.  Finally, when I turned around and headed back to the via Italy, I saw a sign on a driveway with a ramp, and there it was.

The Augustus is hotel that once you find, you can't believe your good fortune.  The staff greeted me, found me a room, helped me with my luggage, everything.  Just very nice people who are very helpful. They directed me to park the moto right outside the reception desk so they can keep an eye on it, and under cover so it doesn't get rained on.  The next day they directed me to the local BMW dealership, Donato Moto in Cossato, so I could get a new rear tire put on and have the oil changed.  They are very excited about the trip I am on.  I'm just very fortunate to have found them!

Last night I had dinner with my son, Benjamin, and his wife, Erika, at a nice place, and were able to get caught up a bit.

This morning I rode to Cossato to Donato Moto to talk with them about the bike.  Giacomo is a super nice guy who was very helpful.  They found the tire I need, and agreed to have it mounted over the weekend.

After visiting Hertz to check on the rental for tomorrow, I had lunch, walked around in the rain, and used the hotel internet connection to update the blog.  Now it is time for an afternoon nap.  It looks like it is going to rain again, so a nap is called for.


  1. Glad to see you made it to Biella. And I am glad you are going to be in the hotel if it's going to rain again!

  2. Hi Dan,
    I learned some of your posts.... well well your travel is going on well ...That's good ... I renew my invitation if your are near from Chambery it will be a pleasure...You can answer directly to :
    Have a safe journey
