"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Trinite Campground

There is a cross on a large hill of rocks above the campground. Actually, it is related to the Hermitage of Trinite, which I tried to find but couldn't. I spent most of the morning at camp, then road into Bonifacio. 

I parked at the base of the marina, and walked both sides. Then I climbed the hill to Roy d'Artagna's citadel. It was a stiff climb on gentle steps. I think it was the heat that made it seem so steep. The views of the city, coast, headlands and harbor are beautiful. I will post pictures tomorrow. 

There are a number of churches in the high city. The church of St. Dominique, of which I did not get pictures, I found particularly striking inside. It was very simple, and the floor was of hewn stone blocks, maybe ten inches square, set a long time ago and now uneven and worn. The walls and ceiling were largely unadorned, with very little iconography and only one painting. Once again I was reminded of how much love these people have for God, to cut each of these stones by hand, then carry each of them to the top of this hill, and place them there. 

I spent 3-4 hours walking around, looking at the house where Bonaparte lived when he was garrisoned there as a young officer, standing in line at the post office to buy stamps (postal workers work at the same pace in Italy as they do in the USA), and having lunch. 

Then coffee. Note the pyramid of chocolate. 

I bought some tomatoes, a sausage, and a baguette for dinner, and rode back yo the campground. On the way, I tried to find another old church, but it was well hidden, and I was not successful.