"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Caution: Pig Crossing

I did not see that sign. I really did not see that sign. 

I was somewhere in Georgia, north and east of Kobuleti, enjoying the day. I had twice taken inadvertent routes, once in Kobuleti and once in Batumi, to the wonderful spot in each town adjacent to their bus station and their main market. There I had experienced and enjoyed the Georgian equivalent of the Turkish traffic jam. Only video can describe it. 

So now I was on the "highway," a two lane chipseal road out in the country, enjoying the day. This is free range country, and there is not a thing tied, tethered, clipped, hobbled or in any manner restrained. I always slow down when I see animals because I have no idea what they might do. Yesterday, a goose decided to attack me, or more likely, the bike. I'm hesitant to say it, but I just don't think like an animal. . .

While I'm doing about 80 kmh, a pig decides to cross the road from right to left in front of me. Came right out of the ditch where the dirty little beast had been hiding. Not a hog, but a full sized pig, maybe a couple hundred pounds. It scrambled on to the road 50 meters or so in front of me. 

As I braked, first front, then adding rear, trying not to lock up the rear, I aimed to get behind him, thinking he'd move a little faster as I approached. I didn't have a lot of room because of the ditch. Some Georgians were watching and I could see them starting to get up. 

Then the damn pig stopped in the middle of the road. It is unlikely the pig will ever even approach a road in the future. 

I hit him a very hard but glancing blow in the rear, and the bike started to go.  I fought it because I didn't want to go off the high side. I almost made it, but I pulled too hard to the left, and down we went. I went left, the bike went right, and we kicked up a heck of a dust cloud. The bike spun on it's right side, missed the ditch, and came to rest on a driveway over the ditch, motor still running. 

I spun on my left side and back, watching the bike spin away from me. I really did not want to get tangled up with it. I am okay, my gear all did what it was supposed to do, with no rips or tears. My left calf and shoulder are sore,but no bruises showing. The bike is running and acting fine. Broke the left front turn signal stalk, banged up the peg packer on the right side where I carry my fuel can, and abraded some of my cloth pannier on that side. It is "the little bike that can."  

I wonder how I'll feel in the morning!  I stopped at a roadside hotel because I was sore. My moto is parked in the lobby. Tore the kick stand extension plate off getting it in here. I think I've had enough fun for one day. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're okay, my friend. I'm envious, even with the pig incident.
