"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Revised Plan

I am going to take a run up to 93, and see what the weather is like. If need be, I can pick up 12 just south of Missoula and swing over to Clarkston. I can then either run up 395 through Spokane and into Canada on 95, or find my brother John and leave the bike with him and fly home. Options abound once I get further west.

It looks like rain covers all routes north. I am going to try to avoid the snow though.

The SPOT will start up again tomorrow so you can track me there. Keep those cards and letters coming, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Go over the Magruder Corridor into Elk City then up to Lewiston/Clarkston. One of America's best ADV rides. Although, it might be impassable due to snow. Check with the Ranger station.
