"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spiders of Lac La Hache

While reading in the tent before going to sleep, I spied a black spider heading down into my riding pants. Of course it was quicker than me, and I couldn't reach it before it disappeared. A mental note was made to check my pants carefully in the morning.

With unusual clarity of memory, I did just that, opening all vents, zippers and the like, and removing all the pads, etc. No spider! All was well until I went back to the tent to pack it up. There, scurrying around on the floor of the tent, was a brownish spider. Not small, not large, just spiderish. BROWN RECLUSE!! my mind screamed.

Quicker than the Golden Snitch I grabbed a riding glove, caught it 'twixt trembling thumb and forefinger, and in a very girly fashion flung it as far as the aerodynamic qualities of the arachnid allowed. Which in my view was not far enough.

I have lost my fondness for the Big Country RV Park.

And that was how my Memorial Day started. It ended with rain squalls and micro burst winds along the Pine River on the way to Chetwynd where I spent the night. The road was through logging country, and they are hauling wood all day long. The logging industry seems alive and well in B.C. I guess they don't have spotted owls. Probably had them for dinner. Speaking of owls, I saw one on the ground in a field this morning being harassed by several ravens. I've seen ravens do the same thing to other birds, including osprey and bald eagle. Very interesting behavior, and I conclude ravens are related to lawyers.

There is also a great deal of mining activity and exploration around Chetwynd. Plenty of economy there.

I did not ride into Dawson Creek to take a picture of Mile 1 of the Alaska Highway, but rode straight on to Ft. St. John, where I stopped to check email and write this post. About 1500 miles left to go to be home. I won't even talk about riding the bike over the Peace River on a metal grated bridge. I just prayed the whole way (about half a mile) as the bike kept trying to tell me it wanted to fall over.

Hope to make it to Fort Nelson or further today, so I better get moving.

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