"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Day Of Rest

Before I did any touring, I decided to take a day and rest. So I sat around in the sun, and shade when I got too hot, and rested and meditated. I agree with those who have told me how fortunate I am to be able to do this trip, very little could make it better (setting aside the consequences of the prostate cancer surgery).  I look forward to meeting Meredith in Italy, though, so I at least have someone with whom I can converse. My 50+ year old high school French can only take me so far. 

Right now I'm down in the village having a coffee outside a Tabac and The (tea) shop. The guy to my left is on more than his first beer, and someone upwind is smoking dope. Yes, that kind of place. And I just almost was run into by a woman coming to meet the beer drinker. C'est la vie. But she just brought me the wallet I dropped inside, so they must sense my inner brother John Mark. 

Tomorrow I think I will make a run to the ferry terminal in Nice to scope it out, then take in some museums. At least it is a plan. 

Now Bryan, come rent a bike for the Dalmatian Coast, Greece and Turkey part of the ride. No visas needed, and you will be back in time for Wells' sentencing. Think of it!  Sun! Beaches! Retsina!  Just kidding about the Retsina, that stuff tastes horrible. And I can hook you up with a guy in either Bulgaria or Germany to rent the bike. There. That was the sound of the gauntlet hitting the ground. 

Dinner tonight will be a hard salami, a baguette, and a tomato. I am also going to do laundry. 

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