"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's lethal." - Paul Coelho

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Behind this gate is the roll call area where the prisoners were counted when demanded by the guards and at the regular times. To the left stood the barracks, and there were rows and rows of them. Only the first row remains, and beyond that the foundations if the demolished barracks stretch out like the low curbs guarding graves in a vast cemetery. At the far end, are churches and memorials, all in grey like the gravel and foundations. All is grey or black or dark brown, except the green of the trees outside the barbed wire, and the green grass that covers the place where the inner guard trenches once were. 

After you walk past the foundations, cross the section of remaining trench, and pass through the fence to the old SS camp, you encounter a smallish brick building with a tall smoke stack. 

The crematorium is as the literature describe it. Prisoners entered from the left, and passed to the right, room by room to the ovens. The ovens are still stained with the remains of the murdered. 

My souls aches, and I can't explain how a person would not go insane treating other humans this way. 

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